Internet Dangers: Protect your Child online

Internet is a wide source of knowledge, a treasure trove of useful and meaningful information. Apart from research and educational purpose, it provides opportunities galore.
World Wide Web, these small, tiny three words makes our lives much more easier than ever. You can do a whole lot of things with the Internet like shop online, make online payment of bills, play games, watch your favorite movie or video as many times as you want, access information regarding any subject, read latest headlines and the list is never ended.

But, there are always certain cons with the pros. With the increasing use of Web, online crimes are also on rise. Cyber crimes like phishing, stealing identity and other forms of web attacks are raising day by day.

Social networking sites, chat rooms, forums, communities etc helps us meeting new people and facilitates communication with others but at the same time it expose you to intrusions and harm your online reputation.
These days, kids are more tech savvy and spend most of their time accessing web, especially on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram etc., therefore, it is essential to teach your kids about online privacy issues and how to protect your personal information and identity from predators while using all these web services.

Some of the common Internet Scam your child might exposed to:

  • Excessive use of Internet and social media sites may expose sensitive whereabouts and may lead to offline crimes such as home robberies etc. Therefore, teach your child to not post everything on social networks.

  • Child may exposed to unsolicited/unauthorized sites while surfing. There are hundreds, even thousands of porn sites over the web which are easily accessible. This is really a serious matter of concern.

  • A very common yet threatening internet scam your child might fall for is- Cyber Bullying. Only you can help, safeguarding your child from the physical and emotional stress caused due to these illegal activities. Talk to your children, listen them, be supportive and if necessary, use Parental Controls to protect your kids from bullying online.

And the list about crimes against child goes on and on…


In these days of hackers, stalkers and cyber criminals, the task of protecting your child online is not very easy. Parents have to stay on top of the varied online risks and dangers. You can’t grove on your child 24*7.
Moreover, Using Internet all time, for all school projects or assignments makes your child lazy. They won’t try to make new innovations, do experiments over things. After all, all the information they need to complete their task is in their hand without any trouble.


Therefore, it is necessary to manage your child web usage and online activities. Parental Control software comes handy to control your child online behavior and to protect them against various cyber crimes. iNet Protector 4 Family is one such powerful tool to keep any eye on your child online activities without spying over them all the day. Read detailed review about the software from here.

